New Series // Patterns to Pieces
I love a good series. Friday Night Lights, House of Cards, Homeland (can you believe the last episode!!! that bomb!! omg), Parenthood . . . Brooklyn Boy and I LOVE getting hooked on a new show and watching as many episodes possible in a night, and then talking about it. And then watching more. And then feeling like you're living in the show and maybe confuse your actual reality a little bit with your 'tv reality"? Wait, is that Carrie Matthison crossing the street with Saul? Have you gotten to that point in your series watching obsession? You haven't? Oh. Just us?
While we wait for Homeland to kick back into gear, we're launching a DIY series to hold us over! At the heart of most of my projects, you'll find a can (spray or reg.) of paint. Through years of street merching and redo's, paint is the simplest and most affordable way to totally change the look of something. So why not focus on replicating a handful of beloved patterns like leopard, greek key and ikat (the Missoni kind!) onto home pieces!
First Up: Street merch vase meets leopard! A little before to get you thinking!
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