well, hello!

Hannah Flora is a Content Producer, DIY'er & Interior Stylist living in New York City.

 Contact: Hannahvillio@gmail.com

The Nest

Looking for something?
let us build it!


Custom pieces using reclaimed material



DIY All Star ChallengeDallas Street Merch

Thrift Store Challenge

DIY Table Top

HGTV - First Time Design

got hitched!

We did it! We're married! Check the Bells tab for our take on planning a wedding!


Meet my Crew

A good weekend is one that lingers past the perimeter of Sunday. Like the 13auburnfriends (minus one) reunion weekend in Mobile. It took days for the "I  miss the bay. I miss my friends" emails to die down. We can be so dramatic. Ha. 

Since then I've been thinking about my friends. All stitched together, we make a funny, sometimes hodgepodge, yet always cohesive group. I thought it best to introduce each one. The catch? I'm introducing them in the context of..... The Dating Pool.

Years ago, as my mom and I sat in the Philadelphia airport, waiting for our flight to New York, The Dating Pool was conceived.  I walked her through the framework and we tickledly* talked through each one of my friends and their role at The Dating Pool.

Think of it like this: In my mind, The Dating Pool is an actual swimming pool lined with lounge chairs and diving boards, swimmers, sun bathers, tricksters, bikinis, swim trunks and a variety of pool toys. 

Things to note: 
-Boyfriends and husbands will be found in the form of lifeguards, fellow swimmers and pool toys. 
-Every week I'll introduce another pool goer and their history, style and current status at the pool
-The Goal of the single gal: To get into the dating pool
-The Goal of the dating/married gal: To climb on out of the dating pool

So tomorrow, will be Meet My Crew Monday
Can't wait to introduce the first one!

*Tick-le-dly: To be tickled, to find something funny, giggly (Yes, I do believe I made this word up)


Rain Delay

It has been raining so much in New York. And when you walk everywhere, it gets to be a little much. I'm tired of the weather throwing kinks into my day and my hair! 

Anyways. When I first moved to New York, I didn't own any "weather proof" shoes. And of course when rainy June hit, there were no rain boots to be found. 2 years in, I now own 2 pairs, thank you very much.  In the spirit of preparedness, take a look at these cute rain shoes here and here.  


Dwell at Target

Saw these darling sets of kitchen textiles at Target the other day. From the Dwell line. Just $9.99. Love the black, white and pea soup combo. 

I also spied a Dwell royal blue and white Ikat Bed in a Bag. With a little tweaking, the Flora girl's have learned to love Bed in a Bags. 


Craftastic: Deuces

While on the craft kick, I decided to touch up my half bath with some of the extra paper sprawled across my bed. Still deciding if its too busy for my liking... I do still love my funny little bird plates I got on sale from PB. 





Had this past Friday off. Oh my. It was wonderful. My plans for the day? Waking up. Getting a massive coffee and hittin' the train. (Why doesn't that sound the same as Hittin' the Road?
The North Bound 1 Train took me to a place that I love. A place where I breathe a little easier.  A place that reminds me of home... 
Of course I'm talking about the Super Target in the Bronx. 

I spent hours quietly mingling down the isles of the Target. It was tremendously nice. Maybe it's the colorful variety at Target or even the signing of a new apartment lease.  But I'm suddenly in the mood to revamp.

Problem/Dissatisfied Area: Wall space above my bed

Materials: Scrapbooking paper, flat black spray paint, photographs (already matted and framed), a goofy fun clock

Method to the Madness:  See below...

 This started out as a gold framed mirror. Bla. I used flat black spray paint and some gold embellished scrap book paper to perk it up. 

I recently accumulated a few framed pieces of photography.  Love the photography that went into the above frame, but the birch wood Pottery Barn frame wasn't working. With a few coats of bright yellow enamel paint, I was headed in the right direction.

Sidenote: Its the same shade of glossy yellow that I painted this other mirror of mine. See above. 

Final look it well on its way. 

 (A lot going on, I realize)


Gave the big mat and frame in the middle a face lift by replacing an unremarkable photo with quirky red and white patterned paper.

Have a new headboard (Can day beads really have headboards) canvas covered in Ikea fabric.
One of my favorite things: Fabric stretched and stapled onto a frame, canvas, piece of wood...

And I didn't stop here. More revamping to come!